The new edition is completed!!
Finding Space in the Infinite Canvas
In an era where artistic expression has become boundlessly democratic, where technology has dissolved traditional barriers to creation, I find myself navigating a peculiar paradox: the simultaneous expansion of artistic possibilities and the challenge of carving out a distinct creative identity. This second edition of ARTCHRONICLES explores my journey through this digital renaissance, where the boundaries between human imagination and artificial intelligence blur into a dance of collaborative creation...
... In this edition, I delve into how my work can lend its voice to this eternal conversation while retaining its unique personality. This project transcends the limitations of a traditional art gallery. It's not confined to a single physical location. Instead, it exists as a fluid and adaptable concept, capable of manifesting itself in countless ways. Each blank wall serves as a potential portal, inviting viewers to step into a space that is both familiar and otherworldly...
... Ultimately, my goal is to create an immersive and thought-provoking experience for the viewer. By presenting the walls in a variety of contexts, I hope to spark a sense of curiosity and wonder. I want to encourage viewers to consider the many ways in which walls can shape our perception of space, and to reflect on the hidden meanings and possibilities that lie within these seemingly mundane structures.
Lots more to discover ---
Here is a sneak peek of some of the pages in this edition.
the girl & the fig had a refresh (spring cleaning) this month and I added a few new pieces.
You can click on the image to get more information.

First show of the year is in Miami Beach, the 48th Annual Art Deco Weekend. Joined by 238 artists in 38 countries. If you are in the area Jan 18 - 20th - see if you can find my work on the Art Deco Train!!

Meanwhile in Glen Ellen the fig cafe is getting a makeover with a new name and ... to reopen in April. Will keep you updated when we start releasing the details.
There is a relatively new platform that I am just loving called This allows anyone to create galleries of NFTS and display them through any browser.
Some of my galleries include: which is my work, includes collected works and includes my collected black and white images.
If you are in the Los Angeles area, I hope this finds you safe and sound. The fires in 2017 was devastating and stressful - I am sending prayers your way!!!
That's a wrap for January!!